Monday, August 19, 2013

4th Grade Oak Meadow Weekly Schedule

So, one of my favorite features of my old Oak Meadow 4th Grade is that it gives you a couple of page summary of the weeks going forward right in the beginning.  It includes what resources you need, etc.  The 3rd grade Oak Meadow does not have that--and it's something I miss when looking at the book.  Sure, in theory, I should be looking ahead--but it's nice to have it all laid out for you.  As we're holding off the model of our local landscape until the weather is a bit cooler, we're going to be doing the 3rd grade Oak Meadow science on clocks this week.  I've already collected three tin cans and will hopefully track down the other stuff today.

Here's a sample of the summary of the 4th grade Oak Meadow book.  (Note: I have no idea if this is included in later versions or how much things may change.)  If there's any desire, I can actually scan it in, but this gives you the idea.


In the 3rd grade Oak Meadow book, you basically have to read through the entire's week's lesson to figure out what you'll need.  There's a materials bit in each section... so Language Arts, need main lesson book, beeswax crayons, and pencil.  Then you go a few more pages and find materials for Social Studies--Main Lesson Book, thick pencil, beeswax crayons, and sukkah materials and instruction.  Then again in Science--Main Lesson Book, beeswax crayons, pencil or pen, ball, lamp without a shade, table.

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