A few years ago, when I was an aspirational homeschooler, I discovered Melissa Nielsen's A Little Garden Flower / Waldorf Essentials. I purchased some of her "Coming to Waldorf Late" books, and then ended up buying a First, Second, and Third grade curriculum. Her prices are extremely reasonable, then even purchasing them as a supplement is totally worth it. Last year, I had purchased her "Thinking, Feeling, Willing" mentorship program. I was just going back over it last night, and came across something in planning (I think) recommending that we meditate on each of our children (she suggests starting with the child who may be struggling or a "problem" child if you have more than one). So, I tried that last night. It seems like an obvious thing to do, but I'm so glad I did it.
I was left with thinking that Sonic really needs a lot of the 3rd grade Waldorf stuff. Practical life, Old Testament/Qur'an/Creation stories, and the like. So, as it's wicked hot here (too hot to be outside much), and since we start in August, I may step back and focus on some of that for now.
This morning, Sonic read "Big Mama Makes the World" to his little brother. I love that story. I love that it pictures Divine as feminine--rather than the typical male. (Yes, I know in Islam Divine is neither...but the constant use of male pronouns implies that Allah (swt) is male.) I love that Divine is a big, large woman--because after all, can you really see a super thin waifish Divine making the world and all within it?
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